KCBA Ladies
Executive Officers 2024
Hon President: MRS MARGARET MORTIMER Tel 01303 257722/077987 88502 e-mail: margaretmmortimer42@hotmail.com Hon. Vice President: MRS CLAUDIA
CAREY Hon. Secretary: MRS DIANE SEKJER Tel. 07946 646735 e-mail: diane.sekjer@gmail.com Hon. Treasurer: MRS MARIE FITZGERALD Tel. 01634 923446 e-mail: cmofitz@gmail.com Hon. Match & Fixture Secretary: MRS LORRAINE PARAMOR Tel: 01732 823618 e-mail: lorraineparamor@gmail.com Hon. Secretary Division 1: MRS CAROL WATT-SULLIVAN Tel. 020 8650 7424 e-mail: carolwattsullivan@virginmedia.com Hon. Secretary Division 2: MRS JANICE MUNDAY Tel. 01474 707682 e-mail: janicemunday53@gmail.com Hon. Secretary Division 3: MRS DAWN SLATER Tel: 01732 884580 e-mail: dawn.slater1@btopenworld.com Hon. Secretary Division 4: MS MO HAYES Tel. 07979 881918 e-mail: mohayes1947@gmail.com Hon. Yearbook Secretary/Webmaster: MS MO HAYES Tel. 07979 881918 e-mail: mohayes1947@gmail.com Auditor: Allan Chase, Treasurer, Kent County Bowling Association
Council: Past Presidents, Officers and Delegates
Bowls England Delegates: Hon Secretary
Selection Committee: The President, Senior Vice-President, Hon. Secretary, Four Divisional Secretaries,
Emergency Committee: President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the four Hon Divisional Secretaries. Management
Committee of KCBA 2022 Rodney
Clark, Financial Officer - Mr Allan Chase, Hon Ladies Secretary – Mrs Diane Sekjer, Hon Men's
Secretary – Mr
Rick Travers,
Representative Men's Council – Representative Ladies Council – Mrs Lorraine Paramor |