
Back to Competitions

Senior Fours Div 2

Back to Div 2 Competitions

Sections A & B

 Please note this competition is played to 18 ends


1st Round

2nd Round

3rd Round


4th June 2024

11th June 2024

18th June 2024


25th June 2024

Will play in Semi Final

13th July at Maidstone

23 Gerry Mitchell




30Norma Cheeseman




30Norma Cheeseman


20 Gery King









20 Gerry King







22 Sue Lang



22 Sue Lang

22 Sue Lang






8 Jenny Nash



22 Amber Dineen


3 Joan Ward



Sue Lang



32 Jeanette Johnson


Marilyn Haskins



32Jeannette Johnson



Jean Eslick




4 Jan Munday




4 Jan Munday






4 Jan Munday









45 Virginia Smith